
The Disturbing Escalation of Addiction and Overdose Deaths

According to the Surgeon General’s Report published in 2016 “20.8 million people aged 12 or older in the United States had a substance use disorder. That number is similar to the number of people who suffer from diabetes and more than 1.5 times the annual prevalence of all cancers combined (14 million).”


Is Recovery After Multiple Relapses Possible?

Recovering from addiction isn’t easy, but it is possible, and it does happen – even after multiple relapses; individuals can and do find and maintain sobriety. To do so they need a facility that understands relapse and can help both the individual and the family understand relapse too.


When the Solution Becomes the Problem

Regardless of the problem that was temporarily addressed by their “solution”, with continued use, it becomes the problem. Addiction doesn’t happen with the first pain pill someone takes or their first glass of wine, or the first joint they smoke. When the substance is perceived to solve the problem, it becomes the “go to” solution each time the problem arises.