Many people believe that sobriety and recovery are the same things. Unfortunately, they are not. From a holistic perspective, the two are very different. It is possible for a person to experience a period of sobriety and not even start the process of recovery. Call 833.551.2304 to speak with someone from the caring and compassionate team at Gulf Breeze Recovery about holistic recovery and our holistic rehab treatment program in Florida.
4 Components of Holistic Recovery at Gulf Breeze Recovery
What is holistic recovery? Recovery at our center in Florida involves much more than just momentary sobriety. Holistic recovery is a comprehensive process that includes physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing.
1. Improving Physical Health
People who are caught in the destructive grip of drug and alcohol abuse often neglect their physical well-being. Amidst the chaos of substance use disorders (SUDs), individuals may find themselves physically weakened and plagued by untreated medical conditions. The relentless pursuit of the next high or the numbing of pain can overshadow the importance of routine medical check-ups, dental care, and even the urgent need to address more severe health concerns. It is a tragic cycle that underscores the dire need for comprehensive care and support for those battling SUDs.
2. Treating Mental Health Issues, Whether Intertwined with Addictive Behavior or Not
It is common for individuals with moderate to severe mental health problems to self-medicate by abusing substances to alleviate depression, anxiety, grief, or another diagnosable mental health issue. Unfortunately, substance abuse only postpones or temporarily quietens the pain. In most cases, substance abuse creates an even bigger problem for the individual.
3. Teaching Emotional Regulation
Clients struggling with SUDs recognize the damage they have done to loved ones and relationships with their use of substances but fail to see that the individuals they have damaged most are themselves. They may have heard angry accusations come their way and have often retaliated with anger and hurtful responses—but their accusatory and guilt-ridden self-talk is far worse than anything other people could say to them. Negative thoughts and beliefs often leave people feeling worthless and beaten.
4. Strengthening Spiritual Connectedness
Regardless of an individual’s beliefs, people struggling with SUDs often feel disconnected or distanced from their faith. Many will speak of a need to reconnect with their beliefs. However, they also experience a feeling of unworthiness that further alienates them from their spirituality.
Benefits of Holistic Recovery
When the recovery process is centered around nurturing physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being, the true journey of healing can commence. It is crucial to address all four aspects of holistic recovery within a supportive and constructive environment, such as Gulf Breeze Recovery in beautiful Florida.
At Gulf Breeze Recovery, individuals are provided with personalized care and guidance from a team of compassionate professionals. The approach to recovery encompasses various dimensions:
- Physical Health – Dedicated medical care is offered, ensuring comprehensive treatment for physical well-being. A focus on a nutritious diet and tailored exercise programs support the body in its healing process.
- Mental Health – A thorough evaluation of mental health concerns is conducted, followed by personalized counseling sessions, both individually and in group settings. This holistic approach acknowledges the importance of addressing underlying issues and providing the necessary support for mental well-being.
- Healing Relationships – The recovery journey also involves repairing and rebuilding damaged relationships. Through therapy and guidance, individuals are encouraged to mend and nurture connections, fostering an environment of understanding and growth.
With the professional assistance provided, individuals on the path to holistic recovery can also challenge negative self-talk and beliefs. They can release themselves from the burden of guilt and shame that may have been weighing them down emotionally. As individuals grow healthier and stronger, they often find themselves reconnecting with their faith or discovering beliefs that form a solid spiritual foundation tailored to their needs.
When all these integral components are in place, genuine and lasting healing can occur. Gulf Breeze Recovery is dedicated to supporting individuals on this transformative journey, empowering them to reclaim their lives and thrive in a holistic manner.
Experience Holistic Recovery in Florida at Gulf Breeze Recovery
At Gulf Breeze Recovery, holistic recovery is our passion and an integral part of our profession. Our holistic therapy program in Florida is tailored to each individual’s needs and focuses on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing. Contact Gulf Breeze Recovery today at 833.551.2304 to learn more about what holistic recovery is and how we can help individuals struggling with SUDs and their families.