A Non-12 Step Approach to Addiction Recovery reveals your natural wellness and strength.
At Gulf Breeze Recovery, our holistic, non-12 step addiction recovery program (called THRIVE) works to reveal the natural wellness and strength we all have, and with which we all are born. This approach to rehabilitation stands in stark contrast to traditional 12-step recovery programs and is one of the reasons why our program can work for people when conventional methods have not.
While traditional addiction recovery programs may work for some people, they do not work for everyone. In fact, there is mounting evidence that traditional 12 step programs may be detrimental to the recovery process of some. Focusing on the times that something has gone wrong – that someone has come up short or acted on addictive thoughts – and outlining numerous steps that someone trying to overcome addiction must go through to replace and resist their addictive behaviors can become a pitfall.
The Non-12 Step Approach to Addiction Recovery develops the human resilience and inner strength of the individual.
With a non-12 step approach to recovery, instead of looking at all the ways an individual needs to fix something that is wrong, we look at their strength. A strength that is innate, and develops recognition through education, that feelings of weakness and addictive thoughts are nothing more than one in a series of occurrences in life. These moments last for only a short while, and we can decide how to respond and choose not to act on them. We can let “negative” thoughts and feelings pass and instead move to our next experience.
By developing education and personal growth, we work with our guests so they can understand the true nature of addictive thoughts – free from desperation and fear. Once a person takes part in our non-12 step, holistic method for addiction rehabilitation, even if traditional, 12-step approaches have not worked, the results can be impressive.
Life has more to offer than daily meetings!
At Gulf Breeze Recovery, we work to provide an environment that is encouraging to the education and recovery of our guests. By working alongside our residents, through a system of courses and lifestyle engagement, we provide the foundation from which our guests can find peace of mind and the ability to move beyond being a victim of addiction.
If you or a loved one is battling with addiction, please contact our facility and speak with one of our local, skilled staff. Located in Gulf Breeze, Florida, Gulf Breeze Recovery offers one of the most successful holistic addiction recovery treatments available. We look forward to the opportunity to share our expertise with you, as you or your loved one take part in one of the best addiction recovery programs Florida has to offer.
For information, an Addiction Expert is ready to hear from you or your loved one 855-973-3551.
A Non-12 Step Approach to Addiction Recovery reveals your natural wellness and strength.
At Gulf Breeze Recovery, our holistic, non-12 step addiction recovery program (called THRIVE) works to reveal the natural wellness and strength we all have, and with which we all are born. This approach to rehabilitation stands in stark contrast to traditional 12-step recovery programs and is one of the reasons why our program can work for people when conventional methods have not.
While traditional addiction recovery programs may work for some people, they do not work for everyone. In fact, there is mounting evidence that traditional 12 step programs may be detrimental to the recovery process of some. Focusing on the times that something has gone wrong – that someone has come up short or acted on addictive thoughts – and outlining numerous steps that someone trying to overcome addiction must go through to replace and resist their addictive behaviors can become a pitfall.
The Non-12 Step Approach to Addiction Recovery develops the human resilience and inner strength of the individual.
With a non-12 step approach to recovery, instead of looking at all the ways an individual needs to fix something that is wrong, we look at their strength. A strength that is innate, and develops recognition through education, that feelings of weakness and addictive thoughts are nothing more than one in a series of occurrences in life. These moments last for only a short while, and we can decide how to respond and choose not to act on them. We can let “negative” thoughts and feelings pass and instead move to our next experience.
By developing education and personal growth, we work with our guests so they can understand the true nature of addictive thoughts – free from desperation and fear. Once a person takes part in our non-12 step, holistic method for addiction rehabilitation, even if traditional, 12-step approaches have not worked, the results can be impressive.
Life has more to offer than daily meetings!
At Gulf Breeze Recovery, we work to provide an environment that is encouraging to the education and recovery of our guests. By working alongside our residents, through a system of courses and lifestyle engagement, we provide the foundation from which our guests can find peace of mind and the ability to move beyond being a victim of addiction.
If you or a loved one is battling with addiction, please contact our facility and speak with one of our local, skilled staff. Located in Gulf Breeze, Florida, Gulf Breeze Recovery offers one of the most successful holistic addiction recovery treatments available. We look forward to the opportunity to share our expertise with you, as you or your loved one take part in one of the best addiction recovery programs Florida has to offer.
For information, an Addiction Expert is ready to hear from you or your loved one.