Anxiety, Depression and Addiction

Substance abuse can sometimes be an attempt to self-medicate an issue such as anxiety or depression. Often, they occur so closely together it is hard to distinguish which came first. Like the chicken or the egg, did the substance abuse cause anxiety or depression or did the depression and anxiety lead to substance abuse?

Children Who Suffer Trauma, and Addiction as Adults

The impacts of trauma during childhood often linger on into adulthood and can lead to the development of psychological problems and/or addictions. Indeed, research has established such a firm link between childhood trauma and substance abuse that some treatment facilities now offer concurrent treatment of addiction and any underlying trauma.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD and Addiction in The Military

The rate of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) may be up to 15 times higher in the military population than it is in the general population, which likely explains in part the prevalence of substance use disorder in the military. Consequently, when people see or hear the term PTSD, they likely think of veterans.

The Importance of Addressing the Role of Personal Trauma in Alcoholism and Drug Addiction

Numerous studies over the past 30 years have established that there is a definite link between trauma and alcoholism and/or drug addiction. In fact, many substance abuse treatment facilities treat trauma and addiction as co-occurring disorders.

Breaking the Links Between Trauma, Addiction, and Alcoholism

It is no mystery that many people turn to substances and alcohol as coping mechanisms. Symptoms of stress and anxiety are often treated by “self-medication” instead of counseling or therapy. Past or present traumatic experiences are well-known to create long-term stress, anxiety, and other related wellness disorders.