functioning depression

Living with Functioning Depression

Depression is one of the most common mental health disorders throughout the world. Since the inception of COVID-19, reported rates of depression have spiked dramatically. More than just temporary feelings of sadness that everyone experiences from time to time, clinical depression significantly impacts a person’s ability to function in daily life. Persistent depressive disorder (PDD)…

trauma and addiction

Trauma and Addiction

There is an indelible link between emotional trauma and addiction to drugs or alcohol. Scarring experiences, even those that have been relegated to an individual’s subconscious memory, continue to influence their daily behaviors and choices for months, years, or even decades after the dust has settled. To achieve lasting sobriety, clients must be offered guidance…

benefits of partial hospitalization programs

Benefits of a Partial Hospitalization Program

Healing from a substance use disorder does not conclude with detox. To set the stage for lasting change, clients must be appropriately supported throughout their transition back to regular life. At Gulf Breeze Recovery, we are committed to creating individualized recovery plans that allow for the best chance of long-term success. Contact our team at…

managing holiday stress

Tips for Managing Holiday Stress

Managing holiday stress can be challenging during a typical holiday season, doubly so during your first year in recovery. At Gulf Breeze Recovery, our comprehensive approach includes an anxiety treatment program, allowing you to return to your regular life armed with more healthful (and effective) coping mechanisms than alcohol or drugs. Call our team today…

addressing childhood trauma

Properly Addressing Childhood Trauma

Traumatic events from our past do not simply linger in our memories; they can make very real changes to your brain’s actual physiology, many of which make individuals more susceptible to developing substance use disorders. However, multifaceted approaches to recovery can successfully reverse these changes, allowing clients to finally confront both issues and permanently address…