A therapist is helping a veteran with PTSD. They are sitting together on a couch.

3 Ways to Support a Veteran Living with PTSD  

Supporting a veteran struggling with PTSD requires patience, empathy, and understanding. As a friend or family member, you can offer vital support by actively listening, providing reassurance, and encouraging open communication. Engaging in activities together that promote relaxation and peace, such as nature walks or shared hobbies, are wonderful ways to show care and support…

A veteran getting therapy while sitting on a couch. He's talking to a therapist.

The Benefits of Therapy for Veterans

As veterans transition back to civilian life, they encounter various challenges impacting their mental and physical well-being. From battling mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and PTSD to coping with physical injuries, it’s no surprise that counseling for veterans is so needed. Addiction therapy programs and treatment for PTSD are just two of the avenues…

person in therapy being comforted by counselor while reaping anger management benefits

5 Benefits of Anger Management Therapy

In the U.S., nearly one out of ten adults experience impulsive anger issues and struggle to control negative emotions. Those with intense anger can experience physical and psychological pain. Fortunately, you can experience several benefits after participating in an anger management program. A certified therapist can help you learn to recognize your triggers and develop…

people smiling while hiking in gorgeous natural area after learning about experiential therapy expectations

What to Expect in Experiential Therapy

Experiential therapy is a new approach to treating substance use disorders, depression, anxiety, and other mental health concerns. It uses a variety of holistic therapies to aid individuals in gaining a better understanding and control of their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Regarding experiential therapy expectations, you may wonder what happens once you enroll in a…