Man in the middle of addiction recovery

Can Addiction Recovery Be Easy?

Many of those who have experienced less difficulty with recovery talk about an “aha” moment where they realized at a very deep level that they wanted to change their lifestyle and regain their health. They often echo a well-known quote, saying, “they got sick and tired of being sick and tired.” In other words, they were ready for recovery and willing to make the changes necessary to achieve their sobriety.

trauma informed care within an addiction treatment program helps a man overcome his illness and better his life

Why Is Trauma-Informed Care Important?

Trauma comes in many forms, be it violence, accidents, sexual assault, bullying, or even emotional abuse. Most people have experienced trauma at some point in their lives. As a result, they may have unresolved mental health issues that might worsen their substance abuse disorder. This is why trauma-informed care is important. With trauma-informed care, clients…