Alarming Spike in Veteran Opioid Overdose Deaths.
Veterans aren’t invincible. Hollywood does a fantastic job of making military members seem invincible. But the fact is they’re flesh and blood like the rest of us, and when troops …
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Veterans aren’t invincible. Hollywood does a fantastic job of making military members seem invincible. But the fact is they’re flesh and blood like the rest of us, and when troops …
Featuring In this video: Barnett discusses with the author of five published books including the forthcoming book “The Transformation Principle”, Joe Bailey, and Health of the Helper® in the caregiving and addiction treatment field.
Many people abuse more than one substance and have what is commonly referred to as polysubstance or polydrug abuse. Sometimes people abuse different substances to intentionally create different reactions. Certain substances make them feel better or give them a “high”, while other substances cause sedation and help them relax or sleep.
America’s largest drug companies saturated the country with 76 billion oxycodone and hydrocodone pain pills. A recent Washington Post article reported that America’s largest drug companies saturated the country with …
In Beyond Addiction Episode 5, “Our Program,” we discuss our non-12 step holistic drug and alcohol treatment program. We incorporate a luxury setting, chef-prepared food and outdoor amenities, a medically licensed detox facility, spa and one-on-one, and group therapy, as well as physical and mental health protocols, to create the setting for natural insight to return and become a part of our healthy operating system.
In the third episode, “The Observable Behavior of Addiction”, Kat and Barnett from Gulf Breeze Recovery, a non-12 step holistic drug and alcohol rehab in Florida, continue their discussion of addiction using the plant metaphor, and looking at from where the observable behaviors of addiction spring forth and grow.
Steve started drinking when he was 14 years old. In college he was drinking five, six, seven days a week and it never stopped and continued to progress as life went on.
What is 50 times more potent than heroin? What is 100 times more powerful than morphine? Same answer to both questions, Fentanyl. Fentanyl is a strong synthetic drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration to be medically used for pain relief and as an anesthetic.
WalletHub recently delved into the substance abuse problem with a major research article, examining all 50 states and the District of Columbia. They found that while some states ranked much higher with substance abuse issues than others, those ratings could change as the data is examined in different ways.
Methamphetamine never received the notoriety or news attention that opioids did – at least not until recently. Now headlines from medical journals, government agencies, popular magazines to radio stations are screaming warnings about the dangers and increases in methamphetamine use.